Top 50 Corvallis Solar Roofs
Is your roof ready for solar?
Corvallis has hundreds of non-residential roofs that could hold solar panels – enough to more than triple the amount of solar in the city. That’s the finding of the Corvallis Solar Survey, an Oregon Clean Power Co-op project funded by the City of Corvallis.
The map shows the Top 50 Solar Roofs in Corvallis that have the most potential, plus locations where Solarize Corvallis — a partnership of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and the Clean Power Co-op — has already installed solar panels at local schools, nonprofits and local governments. Find your roof on the map below, to get an estimate of how much solar power it could hold.

Top 50 Solar Roofs
Top Solar Faith Organization Roofs
Solarize Corvallis sites

How much solar is there in Corvallis?
As of the end of 2019, estimates were that Corvallis had about 7.7 megawatts (MW) of solar installed, including nearby solar systems that are not in the city limits, such as OSU’s solar panels on the east side of the Willamette River. (You can see many of the locations where solar is installed in Oregon, including in Corvallis, on this map from the Oregon Department of Energy).
What is the Corvallis Solar Survey?
Funded by the City of Corvallis at the recommendation of the Climate Action Advisory Board, the Corvallis Solar Survey looked at hundreds of roofs in Corvallis to determine which ones might be suitable for solar panels. We identified 159 non-residential roofs in Corvallis which could hold at least another 15.4 MW of solar.
The Corvallis Solar Survey…
- Conducted estimates of each roof’s solar capacity. These are rough estimates only, for more precise estimates, and to get an idea of costs and how much solar can save you, contact the Oregon Clean Power Co-op, or a qualified solar installer.
- Only includes roofs which are not likely to have a large amount of shading, and did not evaluate age or condition of roofs, or take into account building ownership.
- Examined non-residential roofs only. Residential roofs, both single-family and multi-family, could hold a large amount of solar.

- Examined only roofs which could hold a minimum of 25 kW of solar panels. There are many smaller roofs in Corvallis which could be suitable for solar.
- Primarily evaluated roofs where the solar panels could face south, maximizing solar production.
- Does not include large City of Corvallis sites including the waste water treatment plant and Taylor water intake facility, which by themselves could hold at least 6 MW of solar panels.
- Does not include the Corvallis School District or OSU, both of which are conducting their own solar surveys and installing significant amounts of solar, on their own and in partnership with the Oregon Clean Power Co-op.
- Used the Helioscope solar software package, courtesy of Folsom Labs.