Complete Investment Instructions
Established in 1968, the Rogue Valley Council of Governments is a voluntary association of local governments and special districts in Jackson and Josephine counties. Its 23 members include Jackson and Josephine counties, the cities of Medford, Grants Pass, Ashland and others, and organizations such as Southern Oregon University, the Jackson County Library District, and the Rogue Valley Transportation District.
If you’d like to invest, please email us your:
Name (individuals only)
Phone number
Project you want to invest in
Amount you’d like to invest (multiples of $1,000 only)
We will email you a version of the Offering Memorandum and a W-9 you can sign electronically. You can also complete a paper version of the Offering Memorandum at RVCOG, 155 North 1st Street, Central Point, if you prefer.